Brent Outreach training

We are proud to share our Brent Outreach Training program for primary and secondary schools within the borough.

Sign up while spaces are available:


Facilitated Learning Days

We offer Facilitated Learning Days at The Avenue School and Manor School. This is to give colleagues the opportunity to engage with theoretical input from our team of specialists, followed by in class observations of theory in practice. Colleagues are also given the chance to plan learning opportunities for their own provisions. The theme of these sessions is Environment & Engagement.

  • The Avenue School will host 1 learning day, with up to 9 participants, per term
  • Manor School will host 1 learning day, with up to 9 participants, per half term


TA for the day

We offer Teaching Assistants the opportunity to work and learn alongside our own support staff in a range of Key Stages in our settings. TAs will have the opportunity to observe practice and then take part in supporting pupils to engage in meaningful learning activities during the day.

  • The Avenue School will host visiting TAs on Wednesdays: 20th November 2024 (4 places), 5th February 2025 (4 places), 21st May 2025 (2 places)
  • Manor School will host visiting TAs on Wednesdays: 6th November 2024 (4 places), 13th November 2024 (4 places), and 20th November 2024 (2 places)


Teacher Shadowing

We offer teachers the opportunity to shadow one of our Lead Teachers or Middle Leaders for a day. Teachers will have the opportunity to observe practice and then team teach alongside the teacher and/or take part in supporting pupils to engage in meaningful learning activities during the day. They will also be given the opportunity to discuss the teacher's approach to planning, preparation, and assessment.

  • The Avenue School will host up to 10 visiting teachers during the Autumn and Spring terms
  • Manor School will host up to 10 visiting teachers during the Autumn and Spring terms


Training Programme - Tuesdays, 3:40-4:40pm

Training sessions will be delivered virtually in a series of 1-hour slots after school. There will be 9 sessions per term.

These sessions will be offered in the Autumn, Spring and Summer term. Colleagues to sign up early to avoid disappointment - 25 places on each session. Please refer to the 'Brent Workforce and Development Plan for Primary Schools' for the specific dates of each session.

Autumn/Spring/Summer 1

  1. Capable environments (PBS)/Teaching and Learning Environments
  2. Child development/SEND/Teaching the right target
  3. Responding to high-risk behaviours/reducing physical interventions
  4. Building rapport

Autumn/Spring/Summer 2

  1. Impact of Trauma and trauma informed practice
  2. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
  3. Supporting pupils with SEND in EYFS
  4. Developing Play Skills/targeting learning through play
  5. Zones of Regulation/Autism Level UP!

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